Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Love Hetalia!

Hetalia is a historical satire of countries (the countries are personified) during WWI and WWII. It's HILARIOUS! I recommend it to all history geeks and those who need help in history.

The main characters are the countries that make up the G8, separated into two teams.

Team Axis: 

( Japan, Italy, Germany )


Team Allies: 

( America, France, Russia, China, England (United Kingdom) )

The stereotypes of these characters conflict with one another

 which makes HETALIA incredibly humorous! 

More about the characters:

- Engulfs TONS of Burgers and Sodas; diabetic
- Obsessed with Heroes; specifically that America is the hero
- Loud * can be looked at as obnoxious*
- Sucks at geography: "It's not on the map."
- Has an alien friend named Toby; ALIENS ALIENS ALIENS

United Kingdom
- Horrible HORRIBLE cooks
- Good Policemen
- Associated with the Electric Guitar/ rock music
- Bickers with France constantly
- Has *imaginary* Magical Creatures as friends *Unicorns, Tinkerbell, etc* and can do Black Magic
- Former pirate turned "gentleman" 

- Can create a Chinatown within seconds
- Creates bootlegged version of things; mass quantity but poor quality
- A DRAGON is shown to be China's boss
- The only thoughts he allows is his thoughts because its the thoughts he likes

- Likes being naked *Restarted the Olympics because he thought everyone would be naked.*
- Wonderful cooks 
-HORRIBLE engineers
- Bickers with England / UK constantly
- A bit inappropriate
- Loves anything beautiful

- Loves eating WURT WURT WURT *a type of sausage*
- Strict, serious, diligent
- Takes things too literally
- Fond of Italy
- GREAT engineers / mechanics 
- HORRIBLE policemen

- Likes to say short phrases that have ambiguous meanings
- Very naive due to inexperience
- Polite
- Awkward
- Likes to refrain from speaking

(Northern) Italy
- Weak, crybaby, picked around a lot
- Wonderful artists and lovers
- Horrible bankers
- Adorable and charming

- Always smiling but is thinking of deep, dark, and twisted things. Perhaps misunderstood?
- References the cold and snow a lot
- Loves to abuse the Baltic Trio
- Defiance is met by killing them

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My drawing of Noctis

My drawing

My Reference Picture

I'm satisfied. But if I compared my drawings to that of others it's horrendous. I will strive to improve. 

Other drawings of Noctis:

By: B-AGT Link here: B-AGT Deviantart account

By: Keynan Link here: Keynan Deviantart account

By: jap09 Link here: Jap09 Deviantart account

By: Cataclysm-X Link here: Cataclysm-X Deviantart account

Monday, January 2, 2012


My Archery Team:

            Team Picture of Cupid Gate's Archery *The team name*
 Heres the Website for Cupid Gate's Archery: Cupid Gate's Archery
I'm on the far right sitting, the one next to the orange bow.

I first started Archery back in July of 2011. Took my first three sessions with utter nervousness then decided to continue on from there. It's now January 2012 and of course I'm still shooting.

I've never been much of an athlete. P.E. was just embarrassing for me back in middle school, but looking back now I think my entire middle-school self was simply embarrassing. I remember once my class was playing kickball and as I ran up to kick the ball, apparently I had thrusted my leg with so much strength forward that the wight of my leg lifted me up and I ended up falling smack on my butt. Embarssing. yeah.

This might be why I never respected playing or the subject of sports in general. I did play basketball with my three male cousins while growing up, so i'm quite fond of basketball (although i'm a horrible basketball player.)  I also spent a year as a swimming member of my apparent high-school rival's swimming team but quit because #1. I was mainly swimming to build up my high-school application and #2. It just wasn't fun.

I then had a two year hiatus from sports. Actually, during Sophmore year I tried training myself in Tennis, but utterly failed. *I really do like Tennis though.* Then junior year of high-school came. One day, inspired by the anime show Inuyasha, I decided it would be nifty to take up archery. I googled 'Archery in San Francisco' and Cupid's Gate Archery came up. Took up the first three sessions and soon found that I loved it. Makes me realize that you really can't judge something based on first impressions; You must have experience in order to judge.

I realized that the love for a sport really does bring about bonds. I am an introvert. I have never ever respected the "power of friendship" mainly because I've never experienced it. I've always thought that friendship was a liability. Friends only cause you harm; they are fetters that chain ones true potential. But, now that i'm on a team, my view seems to have changed.

Honestly, I don't consider any of my team members to be my "friends". They are mere acquaintances; one level above the classmates I associate at school but not as close to me as my best friend is. But now, I do understand the benefits of a team. Team members, they give you advice, they buy you hot chocolate, when you buy them hot chocolate they offer to pay you back for the chocolate. They critique you to your benefit, they offer to drive you to tournaments, they console you if you feel nervous, anxious, or fail.


as much as one can love a member, there is no doubt that as members of one team, each and every member secretly, truly wants the other member to fail. To do worse than you, the individual. It's human nature. But still, even when the bittersweet moment comes, when your team member exceeds and you don't, you are still very happy for them. Maybe it's because that the fact that they're exceeding means it's an honor for you to be in a team that includes this superior member, or maybe it's because then you can gain advice from this superb athlete. And this bittersweet feeling is proof that humans are naturally good. The true happiness is our essential good. The jealousy we feel is our inherited bad. At least this is what I believe.

This bittersweet moment came about today. As in my archery session, two of my members ( both sisters one age 13 and the other age 11 *they're in the photo above*), had both accomplished something great today, leaving me with a sense of pathethicness. haha.

The 13 year old obtained her 50 meter pin, a blue pin earned if you shoot a score of 240 or more from 50 meters. She scored 261 (the first female in the team to obtain that pin), tying with the score of the best member of the team, another 13 year old *also shown in the picture above*. The other sister, the 11 year old, managed to shoot 70 meters and shot very well from that distance. She's in fact the first female in the team to shoot that far of a range. Then there was me, shooting at 50 meters and not shooting nearly as well as the sisters. I felt pathetic.

I realized though, and this may be a horrid attempt to assuage my pitiful shooting and self-worth, that everyone is a character. And with a character comes with his or her own uniqueness. Everyone has their pro's and con's. I may not be as a terrific archer as the sisters, and I truly don't mean to be a braggart or rude, but from what I know I simply more knowledgable academically, probably because I'm older. The 11 year old sister has the best form. The 13 year old sister is better at art, reading, and writing. My point is: The quality of a person can't be judged based on a comparison of one attribute.

Don't make one person feel worthless if you compare his or her ability to do something to another's. Consider his or her qualities that he or she excels in, qualities that you might not be aware  that they have.

"If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will grow up thinking that its forever stupid."

My Original Art: Check it out?

                   Serco Nierose       

                                                                  Serco Kyra

These two are both main protagonists in the story that I've been working on. What's a 'Serco'? Well, when and if I finish my story, you'll know. 

Notice the symbol on Kyra's necklace and on Nierose's collar. It might not be clear in the picture but both marks are the same; it's the symbol that dignifies a Serco. 

If your interested in my art at all, you can view my deviant art account here: My Deviant Art Account

Notice how both characters are each handling a chess piece. Each chess piece is carrying a scythe. Kyra carries a pawn with a scythe. Nierose carries a knight with a scythe. 


Saturday, December 31, 2011

Artistic Ambience: The Courtesan

The Courtesan:

I'm an avid Assassin's Creed fan and the Courtesan is by far my favorite multiplayer character. In her honor I drew a picture of her on December 22, 2011. Take a look:

                     My drawing.                                                   My reference picture.

*I know my drawing is not very amazing. Hence you know this drawing does indeed originally belong to me because if I were going to steal from someone else, I would steal a better drawing than this. ;) *

Now let me tell you more about Courtesans.

First off, the Assassin's Creed Courtesan:
 "As beautiful as she is lethal, the Courtesan is most commonly known for her ability to set upon her quarry long before they are aware they are even being hunted. She is capable of maintaining a low profile despite her otherwise note-worthy appearance due to her apparent choice of occupation."

Ubisoft description.

Her real name was Fiora Cavazza, a courtesan who described her self as "fine wine served in a low class tavern." She was a woman who knew what she wanted, who had the courage to do all that she could to satisfy these expectations for herself...and not without good conscience to do so.

Due to some "fortunate" circumstances, the former Rosa de Fiore courtesan met Cesare Borgia and loyally sided with him and his family for six years. This was due to her lust of power, and who was more powerful than the son of the Roman Pope and soon-to-be Captain General of Rome's military forces, Cesare Borgia.  Her loyalty turned Fiora Templar as Cesare was a Templar as well. Cesera sent Fiora to carry out heinous tasks such as assassinate his brother Juan, which would make Cesare Captain General, and oversee many of his Templar Agents.

Historic Portrait of Cesare Borgia

As she loyally executed out the assignments Cesare had given her, Fiora encountered many of the "famous" Templars that make up the rest of the Multi-Player Characters in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. After an encounter with the Templar Doctor Malfatto, who attempted to kill her, Fiora felt betrayed by Cesare and sought aid from the Assassins.

Fiora gave the Assassin's the name list of Templar Agents. Eventually though, Fiora became worried that her affiliation with the Assassin's would become a liability; she didn't want the Assassin's to get harmed because of her. So Fiora defected from the Assassins.

One day Cesare invited Fiora to dinner. Fiora accepted and through that dinner it became conspicuous that the trust between them was no longer existent. Cesare questioned Fiora about the disappearances of his Templar Agents and Fiora claimed innocent.

After dinner Fiora snuck around Cesare's home and found the Apple of Eden. Giovanni, Cesare's grandson, innocently stole the Apple from Fiora wanting to play tag with her. Unknowingly, Giovanni had activated the Apple's power, freezing Fiora in place as Cesare walked by. Cesare retrieved the Apple from Giovanni and proceeded to deal with the traitorous Fiora. It is presumed that Cesare kills her.

Now for real historical Courtesans:

Pre-Renaissance (Before) : Courtesans were simply females that attended a powerful persons court. Courtesans were in a sense spies, as they would be used to transfer information from one person to another *like courier pigeons*.

Renaissance Europe : Courtesans would be used as companionship, like a more elegant form of prostitution. In fact, the word courtesan has become a euphemism for prostitute. 

I love the Courtesan so much that I even replicated her very own Bladed Fan.

My rendition:

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

UbiWorkshop Shao Jun's Necklace

 It broke after only two days.

Needless to say I'm extremely disappointed. I wore it for two days straight  (yes even while sleeping and showering). Hitherto this morning the pendant was still properly attached. When I woke up, the pendant, due to what I presume to be me tossing and turning as I slept, resided in the back of my neck. When I took the liberty to move the pendant to my front, it simply broke.  :'(

It's hard to see, but the back of the hook is a bit crooked. I assume that's why it broke, the pendant slipped from the chain due to the empty space caused by the crookedness.

It's a lovely pendant though, but I must say it wasn't worth the $24.99 + shipping, and the shipping wasn't cheap (it never is -_-.) The shipping took 3 weeks too. 

Yes, one could say that it was really my fault that the necklace broke due to the wear-and-tear of the two days, whatever that damage toll may be, but if the cost of the necklace is equivalent, if not cheaper, than that of a sashimi dinner, which at my favorite restaurant costs exactly $24.99 (the raw fish quality is truly amazing and worth salivating at XD ),

 then I expect the quality of the necklace to be just as satisfying.

You can't purchase this necklance anymore from UbiWorkshop's website, it was limited edition and sold out. BUT, they recently launched two more Shao Jun necklaces. Same price but in different colors. Had I known they were going to create a black one I would have abstained from purchasing this green one.

Oh Well. Still wearable, no real harm done. I'm just now more reluctant to purchase items from UbiWorkshop.